Deep teeth cleaning is the process of removing plaque and tart from the teeth. There are dental appointments designed purely for deep cleaning. At the same time, there are steps you may take at home to help clean your teeth better. In either option, the steps followed in deep teeth cleaning are fairly similar. In a simple way, deep cleaning involves the use of tools and technology to remove tart and plaque from your teeth. Below are the main ways in which deep cleaning is conducted.
Manual Scaling
The traditional way of deep cleaning is manual scaling. Manual scaling has been used for centuries due to its ease of application. In this process, the dentist uses a handheld dental scaler to manually scrape tartar and plaque from your teeth. In this approach, it is important that the patient is put under anesthesia to avoid a situation where you could get uncomfortable during cleaning. Your dentist should be able to provide details for the entire procedure before you get started.
Ultrasonic Vibrator
The other technique applied in the cleaning of teeth is ultrasonic vibration. In this technique, your dentist or whoever is cleaning uses an ultrasonic device, which vibrates strongly to remove tartar and plaque from the teeth. This is one of the latest approaches and also among the best.
Pressure Washing
Finally, another common approach to the issues of deep cleaning is the application of a high-pressure water jet. There are high-pressure devices available in the markets that are primarily used by dentists for cleaning. Such devices are only available to dentists and as a result, those who desire deep cleaning must seek dental services. Although all the above three approaches are administered by professional dentists, they can be administered on a peer-to-peer basis.
Dental Blog | Sunnyside Dentistry | Clackamas, OR dentist Dick Hikade, DDS at Sunnyside Dentistry has created this informative blog to help educate the community about dental concerns. Sunnyside Dentistry, 14210 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 200, Clackamas, OR 97015 \ (503) 451-5104 \ \ 1/25/2025 \ Related Terms: dentist Clackamas OR \